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Interview// Abby Jayne DeAngelo // Dancer, Crocheter


A: Do you think opening a business will translate to your dancing at all?

AJ: I more so have crocheting as a separate outlet for myself other than dance. We dance so much, so it’s nice to be able to be at home and take my mind off of it at times

A: “What do you wish for yourself as an artist?”

“In August of 2020, I collaborated with Abby Jayne by creating a promo video for her business AJay’s Crochet. We collaborated with her brother, Joe DeAngelo, who created the music, and had dancers who were in her designs. In addition to crocheting, Abby Jayne has been a dancer that has been in multiple projects with The Seattle Project.”

A: What made you start crocheting?

AJ: My Aunt and Nana crocheted. I’ve had a special blanket with me since I was young that my Nana crocheted herself. I guess in that way crocheting has always been apart of my life. 


AJ: I hope that I’ll always be motivated and continue growing as an artist no matter what. I don’t want to stay stagnant in my trajectory as a dancer. One of the best parts about being a dancer is facing challenges and growing from them.


A: What is one thing you wish you could change about the world right now? ⁣

AJ: General acceptance and people actually listening to others. So many times it seems that people are just screaming their ideas and beliefs without ever really hearing other points of view.

A: How do you think you can change it?” ⁣

AJ: I want to live by that myself, and be inclusive and open minded towards others. Every new year I set an intention instead of resolutions, and this past year it was to pursue joy each day. Life has no plan or indication as to where it will go, but finding moments of joy in my life make it all the more meaningful.⁣

Dancers from left to right:

Yuki Takahashi,

Juliet Prine,

Martine Leech,

Amanda Morgan,

& Abby Jayne DeAngelo.

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